Contact Us Today to Rent a Dumpster in GASTONIA, NC


(704) 271-1025

We Make Ordering Easy!

We happily provide a hassle free ordering process for our customers. There are 3 steps to ordering with us. First, c all and speak to one of our experienced project managers. Tell us about your project, and let us help you decide what size, rental term, and price best suits your needs! Takes less than 2 minutes! Next, reserve your container -reservations are made with either a credit or debit card over the phone. We have an extremely secure software that protects every customers personal information. All charges processed come with a receipt and description simultaneously for your safety and record! Lastly, Sit back and relax while we process your order and delivery your container. When you are finished with your job just give us a call back confirming you’re all done, and within a day or two we will be right back for pick-up!

Services We Offer

We offer both temporary roll off dumpsters for customers with commercial construction and residential waste needs, as well as commercial weekly pick-up for small, medium and large size businesses.. Check out the sizes we offer below to see what best suits your needs! Check out our Services and Sizes page for more information about what each container can do for you.

Roll Off Dumpsters
Commercial Weekly Pick-Up

How much will it cost to rent a dumpster?

Dumpster rental costs vary based on the size and weight capacity of the dumpster, as well as the location of the customer. Disposal costs also vary widely between cities since some municipalities have reduced landfill space or mandate recycling for various types of debris. These prices will be discussed over the phone as well in your customized invoice according to your rental. Any questions or concerns regarding the pricing, please contact your project manager or customer service department.

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