Prohibited Items

Renting a roll-off dumpster doesn’t give you free reign to dispose of any and all junk or waste you having lying around the house or yard. The types of prohibited waste and debris vary by dumpster rental provider, but there are several items banned by nearly all dumpster rental companies nationwide.

Just as there are rules pertaining to what you can toss in your trashcan, there are also guidelines to follow when it comes to your rented dumpster. These rules are in place for environmental reasons as well as local and state regulations related to waste disposal.

Always discuss the type(s) of debris or waste you’re disposing of with your dumpster rental provider. They’ll help ensure you understand what’s allowed and what’s not allowed.

Prohibited Items

  • Appliances containing Freon (e.g. refrigerators, air conditioners)
  • Fuel, Motor oil and other automobile fluids
  • Batteries (lead-acid batteries; e.g. car battery)
  • Flammable liquids and materials
  • Explosives (e.g. fireworks)
  • Whole tires
  • Paint, oils, varnish, etc.
  • Asbestos materials
  • Infectious Waste

If you find any of these symbols on your waste items check for disposal instructions on the label. If none are present, consult with your local sanitation department to find a hazardous waste collection center near you.